Photorejuvenation by Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Improvement of the color, texture and elasticity of the skin

Photorejuvenation and photofacial treatments use intense pulsed light (IPL) to address uneven pigmentation and vascular issues in the skin.

The treatment involves applying pulses of light to a specific area, such as the neck, neckline, face, arms, legs or back. The light is absorbed by the melanin cells that cause pigmentation. IPL can also treat:

  • Dilated blood vessels by targeting the redness
  • Brown spots (hyperpigmentation) caused by sun exposure, age, environmental factors and genetics
  • Rosacea caused by dilated blood vessels
  • Acne by targeting the bacteria that causes it, oxygenizing the skin and stimulating repair

Photofacial treatments are suitable for women, men and teens accompanied by a parent. The number of treatments required varies from one person to another. In most cases, 3 sessions scheduled at 4-week intervals is enough. Broad-spectrum SPF 50 sunscreen must be worn after each photofacial session and annual follow-up treatments are recommended.

Adding Vitamin C to your nightly skincare routine can improve the effectiveness of photofacial treatments. At Photoderma, we use a high-performance Vitamin C product called EverActive C&E by AlumierTM. Using it will help you maintain a bright, clear complexion after your photorejuvenation treatments.


A skilled beautician will give you all the information you need regarding our various treatments.

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